
Parma, April 2018
Dear Colleagues,
In gastroenterology, as in other medical specialties, new potential therapies, both pharmaceutical and invasive, continue to appear on the horizon, often with great initial enthusiasm. Over time, these will either prove to be failures or will find their appropriate level of acceptance in our therapeutic armamentarium. When faced with promising new treatments, we should always wonder whether they are effective and safe and whether they are really better than our current choices. One is, therefore, justified to attempt, from time to time, a critical review of recent developments in order to provide a glimpse of what may lie ahead. This Joint Meeting has been specifically designed to evaluate critically current and future managements of digestive diseases.
Upon review of the final scientific program, you will - no doubt - agree that this event brings together a faculty of international acclaim to deliver a clinical and scientific educational program of the highest quality. The speakers will review current and future treatments of the most common and challenging clinical conditions. To further increase the educational appeal, this ACG Joint Meeting will be preceded by a Post-graduate Course on GI Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, during which the major drug classes will be discussed.
The major impact and the educational format of this event represents a unique opportunity to update your knowledge in several rapidly evolving fields of gastroenterology. We hope to gather established and young investigators from all over Europe in what we will be a stimulating experience. We also expect to encourage friendship, mutual knowledge, exchange and cooperation extending beyond the meeting itself.
Stresa is a beautiful small Italian town on the shores of Lake Maggiore, where the winter is mild and the weather pleasant even in November. You will have therefore the opportunity to explore the lake region and its beautiful islets and environs. We are confident you will never forget this unique venue and will remember the meeting as an impressive and fruitful experience.
I look forward to welcoming you to Stresa!
Yours Sincerely